2023 CCL Conference Registration
Before Payment Be Sure You Have Filled Out the Registration Form Here

Join us on Thursday, Sept 28th for a transformative day of conversations and connections with business owners, experts, advocates, and individuals with lived experience sharing their stories of compassion, dedication, and transformation. We are also proud to announce our keynote speaker for the day, Adam Martin, Martin is the CEO and Founder of F5 Project, a nonprofit that aims to eliminate overdose, crime, and suicide through empowering recovery, reducing recidivism, and fighting poverty.
This event is sponsored by the Coalition for Community Living, Productive Alternatives, and Perham 180.
Registration starts at 830 and conference is from 9-4 (lunch included) at Thumper Pond Resort in Ottertail, MN.
If you wish to know more about the CCL, Fairweather Lodge or Perham 180, please join us for the full conference starting Sept. 27th.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Hannah Frederick at hannahf@productivemn.org or call 218-298-4359.