About Productive Alternatives

We are here to help!
Meeting the changing needs of the people we serve.
Productive Alternatives, Inc. is committed to providing services of the highest quality, services that make a huge impact in people’s lives. A non-profit social services agency, we have been serving Minnesotans since 1959. Going forward, we are dedicated to building a better quality of life for the people we serve and for our employees.
We offer a wide variety of human service programming — and continually strive to adapt to the needs of our community. Please look through our site to view our program offerings.
Productive Alternatives has locations throughout Central and West Central Minnesota. Our main office is located at 1205 North Tower Road in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Give us a call at 218-998-5630 or email us at info@productivemn.org.
We appreciate your interest in Productive Alternatives, Inc. If you wish to know more about our agency, please contact us! We are here to help.
Steve Skauge, President
I love getting up and going to my job every day!
– Karen
Our Mission
Providing service options which promote quality of life and personal growth for the people we serve and for our employees.
Productive Alternatives is a 501(c)(3) public charity.
Donations made, where a return of goods or services are not provided are tax deductable.