Moorhead Minnesota

Productive Alternatives in Moorhead

Vocational programs in Moorhead:

  1.  Job Training Sites – Performed in a community work setting, under the supervision of a PAI staff. This program is designed to assist the individual in increasing their work skills. During this training period, individuals are paid through PAI and earn minimum wage.
  2. Placement Services – Assist job seekers in obtaining and retaining employment through an individualized service plan. The Placement Specialist assists in the job search process, application process, mock interviewing skills, arrange for job tryouts and follows up with the individual and employer.
  3. Supported Employment or Job Supports – This service is based upon the individual’s need as well as the employers. Job Coaching supports are provided at the level that is needed in order for employment success. Job Coach will not only connect with the client but also the employer to ensure satisfaction is obtained on the job.


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Hours of Operation:


Mon – Fri: 8 am – 4:30 pm

715 11th Street North
Suite #311
Moorhead, MN 56560

Phone: 218-477-1676

Fax: 218-477-1676

For more information, contact:


Productive Alternatives is a 501(c)(3) public charity.

Donations made, where a return of goods or services are not provided are tax deductable.